A: Business to Consumer
- You have 14 days from receipt of your order or payment to cancel your order by giving notice by letter, fax or email to us. The effective date of cancellation is the date on which the notice is sent.
- The effective date of cancellation is the date on which the notice is sent.
- If you fail to return the Goods to us within 7 days of the date of cancellation, we shall be entitled to recover the Goods and deduct the cost of so doing from any monies owed to you.
- We shall refund any monies paid by you as soon as reasonably possible but in any event no later than 30 days from the date the notice of cancellation was given. The refund shall be made by the same method as payment.
- You shall be liable for the cost of returning the Goods to us if you cancel your order.
- This clause 10 shall not apply to:
- goods made to your specifications; and
- Products which have been installed by you, us or others.
- Products which have been cut to size and/or installed as they are considered bespoke or personalised goods under the Consumer Rights Act 2015
- For faulty or replacement goods, please see Section 8 & 9 of these Terms and Conditions.
B: Business to Business (Commercial Transactions)
- Where goods have been ordered for projects and/or commercial projects, cancellations may be accepted subject to the following terms.
- Prior to payment unless advance materials have been ordered on your behalf for testing, approval and or promotional activities, prior to placement of said order.
- Goods which have been ordered in good faith on your behalf following a verbal or written instruction in advance of an official purchase order may not be cancelled and/or are subject to clause 10.B.4.
- Goods ordered and paid for in good faith for bulk orders or project work may not be cancelled except in the case of insolvency, winding up and or foreclosure of your business and/or only with the written agreement of Discrete Heat.
- Where cancellation is accepted by the us, DiscreteHeat reserve the right to offset any out pf pocket expenses in preparing and providing designs, quotations, technical support and or site visits, and any loss of profit incurred by said cancellation.
- We shall refund any monies paid by you as soon as reasonably possible but in any event no later than 30 days from the date the notice of acceptance of cancellation was given by us. The refund shall be made by the same method as payment.